The Course

    1. How it works...

    1. First things first...

    2. Facts & Figures about Instagram

    3. 2021 Instagram Statistics

    4. [FUNNY] The Instagram Husband

    1. Why are you on Instagram?

    2. Optimise your Instagram profile

    1. What should you post on Instagram?

    2. Create

    3. Curate

    1. How to Use the Algorithm to Your Advantage

    1. Your Instagram Style guide

    2. All about Hashtags

    3. [FUNNY] #hashtag

    4. Post Frequency and Timing

About this course

  • $145.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Presented by

Founder, SMPerth Meg Coffey

Meg Coffey is an internationally recognized social media and digital marketing strategist, hailing from Texas and now proudly based in Australia. Known as the 'Texstralian,' Meg combines her exceptional work ethic, calculated risk-taking, and remarkable communication skills to lead the way in digital empowerment.

As the founder of State of Social, Australia's largest social media conference, and #SMPerth, a go-to source for the latest news and a vibrant community in the digital space, Meg is dedicated to keeping businesses ahead of the curve.

With a deep understanding that digital is essential in today's business landscape, Meg's expertise extends far beyond the hospitality and tourism sectors she works with thru her agency Coffey & Tea. She specializes in transforming the fear of social media into confidence and excitement about leveraging technology for tangible results.